Missing or damaged teeth can significantly impact your quality of life. Issues with your teeth can make you feel self-conscious about your smile and affect your ability to go about your day-to-day. Luckily, there are options to replace and repair missing teeth through restorative dentistry treatments.
Dental implants are an advanced and popular way to replace missing teeth. They are carefully designed to blend in with and complement your remaining natural teeth. Dental implants can be used to replace one, two, or a full mouth of missing teeth.
If you’re unhappy with your smile because of missing teeth, or you’re feeling uncomfortable when you chew and speak, talk to your dentist to find out if implant dentistry is a good choice for you.
Discover more about dental implants or call our office to schedule a visit.

Implants from Butler Smile
Dental implants are a good option for many patients who have missing or damaged teeth. The best way to know if dental implants are the right treatment for you is to set up a consultation at our office.
Patients choose to rebuild their smile with dental implants at Butler Smiles Dental Care because:
Dental implant posts are composed of medical-grade titanium and other materials that are compatible with the human body. Your dental professional will surgically place the dental implants into the upper or lower jaw, where they fuse with the bone and function as a sturdy anchor for your replacement teeth.
Dental implant restorations are crowns placed on top of the post. They are made similarly to other restorative crowns, using porcelain or ceramic. These restorations are customized to your smile, matching your tooth color.
What Is L-PRF?
L-PRF is an innovative therapy used in the medical and dental field. This process uses platelets from your blood cells to promote healing and regeneration after surgery. Only a small sample is needed to use this treatment. At Butler Smiles Dental Care, we’ve found that using L-PRF therapy speeds up the healing process of dental implants and tooth extraction sites.
This leading-edge technology is not found everywhere, so if you want a better implant experience, visit our office today.
Are Dental Implants Right for You?
If missing or damaged teeth are lowering your quality of life, you deserve a restorative dentistry treatment that will alleviate uncomfortable symptoms and improve the look of your smile. Dental implants are an excellent treatment for many patients, and we are happy to offer this important dental procedure at our comfortable office.
If you are interested in dental implants, let’s have a conversation at Butler Smiles Dental Care. We look forward to working with you. Just give us a call today to book a dental implant consultation.